To be honest I’m not into seeing what is waiting for me in the future but a little piece of myself is really curious and excited about it. But I was chosen from some scientist to see the future of humanity by a mirror which looks normal at first but has some powers to show me our future. The first look to the mirror make me to see some type of people are trying to get their reward for their effort. All of them are just running after a useless sheet of paper. Everyday they are waking up at 6 am and they hardly manage to get back their home like 8 or 10 pm doesn’t it sound so ridiculous . Which is so similar to nowadays. Living just turned to a race and personally it’s so ridiculous. As I just turned around I can clearly see some certain kids who are thinking exactly like me and they are soo different from the other they are against society. Some of them are trying to reach the last level of the game and everbody else just trying to be cool with their emotions and the nerds are there too. The meaning of the nerd’s life just turned to doing their homework and obtaining some good grades for their parents. The more I see them, the urge to throw up is getting bigger. Than I just wanted to take a look at the adolescents with (the gap-age of 16-20). I do not appreciate their behaviours at all because they are all into buying some new phones and etc. since buying expensive things is popular somehow.They are just buying the same quality but new phones at the middle of the year and they are thinking that it’s okay to spend money to things that they don’t even need they are just feeling happy with spending more and more money. The only thing that is important for them is wearing luxurious brands that doesn’t even look good on them. Wherever i turned my head, there were peoples and events that bothered me in any possible way. I started to lose myself like I couldn’t take it anymore so I immediatly close my eyes and turned around I just want to be far away from the mirror. That day was just a nightmare.