Metropolis Or Countryside?

I would like to live in a quiet, quiet and small place close to nature. Because I like to be more relaxed and calm. Of course, my physical activities are “work, course, etc.” I’d go back to the city for food, but I wouldn’t live there. Probably my friends would like to live in the metropolis because they don’t like very quiet, comfortable places in my opinion. Actually, I would like to live in the metropolis, but the reason why I do not want to live in the metropolis; lots of noise, air pollution and garbage. And if I want, I can customize where I live. I can plant trees, I can plant flowers. If I were in the metropolis, I would have more work, activity and I would have everything ready. But this way, I will get everything organic, fresh “Of course, if I have the opportunity to be like this in the future. I think it depends on the choice I make then, not now. I currently live in the metropolis because my family chose to live here. It means they don’t like living in nature. If this was my choice, I would prefer to live in nature, but I don’t think they would like it. Of course, everyone’s favorite things are different.

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