Menemen and Memories

As always, I woke up in the morning with my grandmother’s voice. “Selin, Murat! Wake up, breakfast is ready.” When we got up, my younger brother Murat and I immediately washed our hands and faces and went downstairs to the kitchen. That smell hit my nose before I even reached the kitchen. The smell of menemen. I never ate it after my father died. When the smell hit my nose, my eyes filled with tears. We sat at the table, my grandmother insisted that I eat. I didn’t want to eat menemen. Because I didn’t want to eat someone else’s menemen other than my father. My grandfather said that I should overcome this habit of mine. When my grandfather saw that I wasn’t eating it, he said that the onions and tomatoes in the menemen were from our field and that they had picked them themselves. I couldn’t stand them so I dipped bread in them and ate them. It tasted very good but after eating menemen, my memories with my parents came to my mind. When my grandmother saw that I was emotional, she said that me and my brother could go out to the garden.

Me and my younger brother went and groomed our horses and fed them well. After the horses, it was our chickens’ turn. We tried to catch them, they all quickly ran away from us. Then we got tired and gave up. We gave them their feed and left. Then we decided to go cycling with my brother. We both had bicycles. Then we played hide and seek and returned home before evening. This day was very classic but fun. But all day my mother and father, who died years ago, were on my mind. They taught me how to ride a bike. When I got home, I locked myself in my room. I looked at my childhood photos with them and I felt even more sad. I missed them so much. The sounds of crying must have gone out of my room because my little brother came to me. and began to console me. He spoke so maturely that my sadness almost disappeared. After talking with my brother for a long time, I felt better and we said good night to our grandparents and went to sleep. This day I spent without my parents was over.

It was morning. I was in a very good mood today and I ran and woke up my brother. Early this morning, I helped my grandmother prepare breakfast and cracked our organic eggs. After a healthy breakfast, my brother and I went out to the garden to pick apples. Then we started talking about what it would be like to live in a big city. We probably wouldn’t be picking apples and feeding our chickens like we did before. We decided that we were happy with the life we were living and went back to work.



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