Human beings have always been curious about the future, including in the movies we watch. There are many individuals based on this subject in movies, books and many more. Would you rather see the future or change the past? I’m afraid that if I go back to the past, I might change things about the past. If this question were asked of me, I would prefer to see the future. Of course, not everyone will agree with me due to our differences in personal views.An individual who does not agree with me will choose this to change something in the past for his or her own reasons. For example, a regret may want to change an exam that he or she has not been able to study. So, what could be the reason for my wanting to see the future while this is their reason? I will have to explain myself at this point. Although the events in the past are not among the subjects that I am curious about, they do not seem exciting or interesting to me.Of course, life away from technology in the past times attracts my attention but think about it just because you’re curious about the past someones or yours life will change.Maybe your parents cant meet and you wont be alive. The memories that I have lived and finished are beautiful and important because they happened in the past and as a result are the events that affected my life. As a person who always strives not to have any wishes, I believe that one or many things in my life change as a result of every mistake and behavior I make. Therefore, no, I would not want to change a mistake or a memory of mine in the past.Because what really makes me who I am is the events of my past. What’s the point if I change them? That’s why I prefer to see the future.

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