Media Adjustment

In this day and century technology has changed rapidly, as this change goes on people try and start to adapt this newly lifestyle into their own ones. While these replacements occur lots of things such as media adjust to the new generation of technology.

Once popular traditional media has started to be forgotten or not used by many because of the new media, but it’s argumentative either traditional or new media can be trusted and has a bigger effect on people. It’s mostly on others thoughts and opinions, for mine I can say that I find the new media has a much more bigger effect on people but it’s reliability can be debatable.

But why do I think like this? For me as the generations pass things like social media or the new media seems more interesting than traditional media. The younger generation tend to use these apps or methods over the traditional media. Of course, the reliability can be not trusted as we all know that fake information is everywhere on the media, not only new media but also the traditional one too. So, for myself I cannot say anything about that. As the time passes more and more people start to use new media due to the easier way of reaching it, but it does not say that nobody uses traditional media anymore, surely the usage will decrease.

Technology has become an important part of our daily life. In the future there might be a new way of media even maybe years later traditional media will finally be forgotten and putted in the corner of the room for the

cause of it being not effective as it was in the past, but we cannot say anything for now, we just need to wait and observe what’s going to happen.

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