Master Of Yourself

Does anyone need a master or a trainer? What exactly makes me or others to think that we can’t be independent? Perhaps, the fact that we are simply human. We have flaws as well. Like any other living being we have this strange phenomenon called making mistakes. That we doubt ourselves, derail or push ourselves from the right path and make physical miscalculations – but I digress.

No matter what we do, if the thing we are doing is what we have never done before or simply put something we never tried before there isn’t a way to learn it without making mistakes. Otherwisei it gets really luck but even if you do so you and I can’t possibility know if what we are doing is correct. “Ohhhh so that’s why we have masters. Because it’s always nice to have someone to guide you and correct you!” The deal is do we really need them? Well, anyone can easily right a whole book on that except they will never be exactly the same because it changes with the environment and the context. Not even mention different perspectives. There are many causes to this, but the only solution I can think of is approaching the topic from general standpoint.

My personal opinion is; I fell like we definitely do need a master. It is definitely possible to learn through trial and error but one can make so many mistakes. That’s why living beings have instincts. Most of these are not important in this context but few of them provide us with vital instructions to live and survive, like breathing… Sure it’s not an instinct technically but think about when you were first born. You where just a baby like every creature but despite having no information what so ever about breathing you managed to cry and teach yourself how to breathe. There wasn’t anyone to guide you, may be the doctor, but otherwise it was a mechanism the make you breathe.

I got carried away the point is I don’t see how anyone would get anywhere without a partner to help them. “Then how did humans evolve when no one known anything?” That question could be answered easily. Man finds out he can make fire by rubbing stuff to other stuff real fast and goes to tell his mate about his invention. There we go the master of something is born by the finder, in this case the man. These late go on to the other generations. Now what would have happened if this man didn’t tell the other man about the finding? Years later someone would find it anyway but that’s not the point. Let’s assume the population is 2. One doesn’t inform the other so when the only man who knew about the fire being a thing die there isn’t a way for the other to learn without trial and error. You know how that ends.

So, my final verdict is that humans are a unity and without the proper links they fall or not be as successful as a factual society in doing anything then move on instincts which will only get them so far.

In a short note yes, we need a master. (At least – I do.)

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