Year 2035, Mars. I woke up and looked out of my window. There weren’t any people outside. It was a stormy day, and I knew it was going to be a rough one for me. I was about to lead an important experiment. I had been living here for two years and had conducted thousands of experiments, but this one was going to be special.

I prepared my breakfast and sat at my desk. While I was eating, someone rang my doorbell. I went to check who it was, and it was Dr. Sam. He told me that I needed to hurry in order to join the experiment. I packed my bag and gathered my equipment. Then, I put on my mask and stepped outside.

There was a big building southwest of my hut. I hopped on my vehicle and drove for two minutes. As soon as I arrived, I quickly got out and ran to the building. The other professors were waiting for me. I apologized to them and put on my gloves.

After a long discussion and several rounds of experiments, we finalized our work and sent the results to NASA. We had done a great job and deserved an applause. I hopped back on my vehicle and drove home again. I took a nap and then had dinner.

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