Magical Love Story of a Rich Man and Poor Tailor Woman

Once upon a time, there was a girl in a village, Anna. She was living with her mother, who is a tailor. Anna never knew her father. Anna stopped asking when she was a little girl, since her mother didn’t bring the topic up. Anna and her mother always have been watching each others’ back, two of them against the world.


One day, one of the richest people in the city, Charles Jackson, came to town. He was getting married and he really wanted to find a very special suit that made just for him. That’s why he started to visit small villages to find a good, unkown tailor shop. When he found Anna’s mother’s tailor, he was impressed. He decided that this tailor was going to make his wedding suit at that very moment he walked in. Anna and her mother knew about the Charles Jackson, visiting small villages so it was a magical moment for all three of them.


Charles Jackson had rented the upstairs of the tailor shop, just like a little penthouse. Anna’s mother and Charles generally spending the nights in the tailor so that the wedding suit would end quickly. Anna was shocked when she realised the way her mother looked at Charles Jackson. Yes, he was a handsome man but there is also another undeniable truth: He was about to get married! Anna never saw her mom looking a man in that way. But she was able to feel the tension between them.


After three months, her mother and Charles Jackson were in love. Although they didn’t know how to tell this to Charles’s family and the future wife, they were comfortable with saying their relationship to Anna. Charles Jackson invited her parents and elder sister to explain what happened in person. When Charles was done with his talk, Charles’s sister, Natalie was the first one who started to talk. Charles’s future wife was Natalie’s best friend since her childhood so Natalie was really mad at him. His parents also loved Charles’s future wife so they were not very supportive about the idea that Charles and Anna’s mother had a relationship.


After his family said that they were not accepting the relationship, Charles’s parents gave him an ultimatum: Either Charles was going to marry his fiancé or he will marry with Anna’s mother but Charles’s parents won’t give any financial support to Charles. This means Charles had to choose. On one hand, there was the love of his life. On the other hand, there were his family, his legacy, all the money his parents have, and also a guarantee that he will never be unemployed because they have a family company.


Just for a second, he thought. And he said he was choosing his love. His parents were shocked. They asked: Your final decision? Charles answered immediately: Yes, it is my final decision.


Charles, Anna and her mother lived in this village for the rest of their lives.

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