Lucy and Maria were best friends. They went to the same school. Lucy was in love with Liam, but she couldn’t tell him.
One day, Lucy and Maria were talking about their birthdays. Then Maria said, “What will you give Liam as a birthday gift? His birthday is closer than ours.”
Lucy replied, “I never thought about it, but I think I can give him a chocolate bar and the best basketball ever.”
“Wow, that’s a beautiful idea!” said Maria, and they happily walked to class.
When the lesson finished, Lucy finally gathered her courage and gave the present to Liam. He looked surprised at first but then smiled warmly and said, “Thank you, Lucy! This means a lot to me.” His words made her heart race, and she could barely find the strength to reply before hurrying away.
Afterward, she walked over to Maria and said, “When I saw him, I thought my heart would burst through!”
Maria giggled and said, “Well, at least now he knows you care!”
Lucy blushed, wondering if this small moment could lead to something more.