Lost In the Forest

It was almost summer holiday. After 2 weeks, the fun was going to start. We, our friend group, planned a camping for a week. We thought it would be fun to have some alone time without our parents. We didn’t tell them about the plan because we knew they weren’t going to let us go. So, we decided to leave at midnight when everyone was sleeping.

I started packing before the night we left when everyone in the house was sleeping. I packed a lot of food, drinks and a tent for 2 people. I will share my tent with my best friend Tyler. We’ve been best friends since elementary school. The others: Rylee, Helena, Jones and Noah are going to take their own tents and we all are going to share the foods and drinks.

Today is the day. We are leaving at 12.00 AM sharp. Everyone is so stressed and excited at the same time. Helena said that this isn’t a right thing to do but this thing we are doing may be once in a lifetime. Before we left, I told everyone to take their walkie-talkies with them so that we could keep in touch.

It’s 12 AM. I contacted everyone saying that I was leaving. I told them to meet me in front of Hailey’s Cafe. It was a close place to the forest and everyone was here at 12.15. Noah had the map for us to not get lost. We started going into the forest while Noah was leading us to a safe place where we could spend the night. After walking for 30 minutes, we finally found a place to camp. It was getting cold so we decided to go find firewood to make a campfire. No one wanted to go so we played rock paper scissors to pick someone. First; me and Rylee, Tyler and Noah and Helena and Jones played. Me, Tyler and Jones lost. So, 3 of us were going to find some firewood. First, we didn’t want to split and look around together but we couldn’t find any and it was getting really late so Jones said that it would be better if we split up. I went to the left but I was really scared because there were animal sounds. I used some rocks to not lose track of where I came from. While I was searching, I heard a pig sound. I stopped moving out of fear. It was really close to me but soon later it went away. I followed the pig because I thought I could find something but instead I found more pigs. This time they saw me and I started sprinting. I ran till I got away from them. There was one thing I forgot, I lost track of the stones. I was lost. I didn’t know what to do. I started shouting my friends’ names: “TYLER, RYLEE ARE YOU THERE? GUYS PLEASE HELP! I GOT LOST! ANYBODY?”. After a few minutes I gave up. But wait! I remembered that I had my walkie-talkie with me. Until I realized I dropped it while running. I was so disappointed of how stupid I was. I tried to go back to the place I was running to find my walkie-talkie. There was a sound of people talking. I ran over there and the noise was coming from the walkie talkie. I tried contacting them. They heard me and I said that I got lost because of pigs. They started laughing and told me to stop joking. I said I wasn’t joking and come here to help me. Tyler did listen to me but the others were still laughing. I described to Tyler where exactly I was and he told me he would find me and then we would leave. I hid between 2 trees and waited for Tyler. He told me to keep shouting so that he could hear me. A few seconds later I heard Tyler shouting. I rant o him and hugged him. We went back to the camp and he shouted to all the others because they didn’t help him find me. They said that they were really sorry and thought I was joking. Tyler was really mad that he packed our things and we went home. When I came home, I saw my mom and dad really stressed because they thought I was lost. My mom hugged me and told me never to go away without telling them.

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