Businessman jumping cliff from past to future.

Looking into the future

Would you rather had the ability to see the future or change the past? I’d prefer to see the future because I think the reason to change the past is to change the mistakes we had done but I believe that the mistakes that we had done in the past makes us better in the future.

So if we never did any of that mistakes we would never know what we should have done or not. So I would rather have the ability to see the future to make my path to success the way it should be even if it was caused by a mistake or a choice. By seeing the future I could see the problems that our choices had caused and fix them before happening. If we could change the past without knowing what it was going to cause, we can make it worse by changing it.

I believe every choice we did has a meaning in the future. And if I could see the future I could see what people were doing and make it happen sooner. That would make us improve better and faster. The improvement can be made on health, social or global issues that we cant solve at the moment because we don’t have the material nor the information we would have in the future. But by seeing the future we can gather all the information we need really fast. Maybe in the future we will know the cure to cancer and by finding out this sooner we can save many lives. This ability can be also use in natural disasters such as flood. By finding out we would have a flood we could plan more trees and make our houses more secure to prevent injuries. Even though it would be hard to make people believe in you I think if I had this ability it would change a lot for me and also for every living thing on this planet. We know it would be usefull for humans but I think it will also effect the plants and animals by seeing the future we can see how plants and animals effect our lives and how if they got extinct we would never have the chance to live.

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