Loneliness- a Choice or an Imposition?

Do you know exactly what loneliness is? Let me explain how I see it. Loneliness is a two-way state of one’s condition. It could be a feeling or a preference. If it is a feeling, one can feel like she/he is isolated from social engagement. It doesn’t necessarily have to be physical isolation sometimes. One can feel lonely in the middle of a crowd of people. But sometimes that isolation can be a physical one in the absence of others like friends, loved ones, or even strangers. Loneliness differs from person to person. You can be alone without really feeling it and feel lonely even with your friends.


Some other times, one can prefer to be lonely in order to bring up a creative mood. For some type of personalities loneliness really produce very productive results. But for others, being surrounded by people, not necessarily by the close ones, makes more sense. Namely, loneliness could be one’s own choice or it is a situation where you are exposed for reasons out of your own control. Whether it is by one’s choice or by an imposed condition, loneliness has many outcomes in a positive or negative way.

For example, once there was a man whose name was Dalibor in Hungary. He was put in jail for some reason. He was completely isolated there. But this unbearable isolation had made Dalibor a very creative fiddler. He composed many marvelous musical masterpieces and played his violin. But there are others who produce creative artistic or scientific achievements when they are with other people.

As for me, I sometimes prefer my choice of loneliness as Einstein put it, quoted as saying “The monotony & solitude of quiet life stimulates the creative mind”. However, I agree with Chekhov’s statement “Everywhere is a desert for anyone who feels lonely.” to some extent because, after a while, loneliness can have a negative effect on my psychology, so I cherish with friends and loved ones.

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