It was Sunday, but I started the day unhappily and bad again 2 years ago, I was very poor because of the money I lost from gambling, and I spent my day walking around the streets and parks. I used to make money sitting in parks. I was just sitting on the seats in the park and people walking in the parks were giving me small coins. One day when ı am in the park a woman gave me $ 100.I was very surprised, but I couldn’t keep my voice out because I needed this money. I didn’t know what to do with the shock of receiving $ 100, but then I realized that my blood was hungry and I started to go to the restaurant. After a short time, I came to the restaurant and went to the window to look inside. “When I looked out of the window, the whole family was sitting around the table, eating on one side they were eating, talking on one side. Suddenly they looked towards me and asked me to come inside. I was embarrassed at first, but then I left because they insisted. When I went to them, they gave me a chair and said you could come next to us. I also passed by, and after the waiter came, I chose the dish and told him. They asked me questions like how are you doing, are you okay. So, I answered his questions, and we all had dinner together and chatted. After dinner, they gave me an address and said: you can come to us whenever you want, they said that you are now a friend of ours, and they gave me money. From that day on, I put myself in order.

Life Always Gives Us A Chance
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