Learning Till You Die

We always learn things in our lives in different ways. We never stop learning till the death came up and takes us. Even that situation we learn the end of our lives and how it feels, what it is like to be a dead person or what’s come next after our lives. So we people learn every tiny detail in our lives maybe million times.  We forgot and learn It again or forgot to never remember again. In order to these did you ever think how do people learn?  

The first answer that came up to your mind probably will be schools. It is actually an institution for education of humans. Generally people starts to go to school at the young age (around 4-6). They begin to learn first steps of their life like how to make paintings or how to socialize with their peers. Day by day things that we are learning starts to get more detailed and academic. While this are happening your interests and abilities got shaped and slowly became permanent. Besides all of these can we say the nation of school is limited with the the term of an institution or is it more than that?  

We can’t say that a school just a place surrounded by walls on all four sides, school is anywhere learning exists and happens. You learn how to walk by your own , you learn how to ride a bike by falling down again and again. You learn how beautiful it feels to eat an ice cream in the middle of the summer or how bad it hurts to broke your bond. Every moment we live we learn. So many parts of our lives is our schools.   


However there is a part which is not fit into the school term. You go to school for learning and improve your knowledge. When you at school your safety will be provided. Your experiences do not harm you in any physical way in the most of the time. I think the little part that we mentioned before is that school make sure that we are safe and the things we are learning won’t be hurting us. But in our lives we can’t make sure that.  


Still I believe that school is not a place just surrounded by four walls. School could be defined many different ways but in the end we meet at the same end; School could be anywhere as long as you learning something.  


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