Laws Of A Foolish Humanity

Justice is what we believe in when someone unrighteousness to serve the deserved punishment on the wrong side of the arguement. It’s what we put our trust in to keep the society a safe and protected place. To be able to practice justice in a fair way every government decided on laws to use when their feelings got before their profesionalism. Though I find myself wondering if these laws do ensure equal judgement in any case as they seems to be working in favor of those in high places rather than providing equal rules and punishments no matter ones status. Often the people in higher status can be proven not guilty of any crime they’ve done from smuggling itoms such as money or drugs to murders. As Montaigne has said in his book trials “Nothing on earth can cause greater injustice then laws.” which i believe clearly supports my ideas.

Humans are simple creatures in the end. They follow whoever has power in the society they are. If one can control the things they care about then they can control the humantity. Thats why the system is built on making sure every2t one can think as simple as they possibly could as it’s always easier to control mindless things. Sounds cruel doesn’t it? Well that’s the bitter truh sadly. In this case it wouldn’t matter if laws held true justice or not as the society would be too blinded by the so called glory of their leaders. Which means as long as the justice system built y the leaders ensure they will be right no matter what there is no need to work harder. They woul go as far as accusing homeless people of stealing and even send them to tingy jail cells for the rest of their lives. The very same people they didn’t give a single thought to while causing them to lose their everything too. This just shows how disgustingly mindless modern society is. They do not think even once when they do or say something nor do they feel the slightest need to stand up for themselves.

I believe that the existing laws completely ignore the reality of living circumstances and the greys in life only focusing on the white and blacks parts with strick diferences between the two. A rapist in Alabama would sere less than a woman who got abbortion for whatever the reason.That has got to be the most solid example of the injustice caused by the laws whose only purpose is to ensure the safety of people with high status and nohing more.

To sum it all up I believe that existing laws are abslutely rubbish and should be changed as even the consept of morals are so varient. They should be made so that the crimes done for good purposs will not recieve punishment such as killing somone as self protection and the real unreasonable crimes should be punished severely no matter who does them.

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