When we were running in the forest with my friends a 3-legged creature. We weren’t scared but it was saying things like “ARRGGHH ARGHHH ARGHHH!!” But it wouldn’t scare us even though it did those things. I think we watched or played to many games or movies because it wouldn’t scare us. The creature was tired. He said that “I AM A GENIE” and we said “Why are you screaming bro?!?!?” he was bored. “You have three wishes! What would you like to wish?”. We were laughing and someone said ” I ate my grandmother because of laughing” We laughed much more! The creature was not laughing. But then we stopped laughing. Because why not, we said. Then someone said ” I want to use my wishes!”. Then the genie said ” What do you want to wish” He said “I wish that i was the richest person on the whole universe, I want a good friend group whispering (because our friend group is bad) and a good girlfriend!” He said “Is this your final decision?” and we said YEAHHHHH!!!

Last Wish
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