Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is very important for our life, human beings are curious creatures, we need to ask questions and need to have the answers, this is why knowledge is vital, ask more to have more knowledge this is why science is made for instance mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy, astrophysics, and geography are made from asking questions, this is how we explore the continents, how we made the technology, now it’s in is peak years, lots of knowledge is united and it is one click away, now there is this quote it goes like this “Knowledge makes people unhappy”.I will discuss this topic and I decide whether I agree or disagree.
I think knowledge makes people way more alive and it helps people to have their own perspectives and also gives them a new perspective to look at the universe,

also, its the information to unlock the purpose of life. In my opinion, knowledge does not make people unhappy, it gives them a source of reasoning and happy life, without having knowledge of something you are a useless opponent, you are ignorant and in that way, you will have an ego, to think that you know everything in this world and have more information than the others and you overlook to people, think that you are the worlds best and most wise person but actually you just made up somethings and the ideas are not even closer to the real ones. Also, it makes people educated, as you know plenty of information you will have a growth mindset and know what’s good or bad, also you develop your judgemental skills and have a clear vision of what you want to do.

In conclusion, knowledge is good and it makes people much more functional and good mindset, it is way better than not knowing anything. Knowledge is a path to finding who you are and what is your purpose in your life, it starts from the beginning of your life and finishes at your death, it always refreshes itself and comes with another question. Socrates says”To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of True knowledge.”

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