
What is knowledge? It is known as” understanding of or information about a subject that you get by experience or study, either known by one person or by people generally” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. In our social life knowledge has an important place in communication like it is a criteria to choose friends for some of us. For society, if you have a great knowledge of topics that are ‘accepted by society’ you are an intellectual human. It is a great thing to be intellectual in society to have more repetitions. 

So far these are positive sides but aren’t there any negative sides or perfect? For me, nothing is perfect but especially the things that have connections with philosophy have more issues about being perfect or trying to be perfect like knowledge. Knowledge has too many negative sides for me if it is more than it must be. It could cause some sleep disturbance problems,  anxiety, depression, or other kinds of psychological disorders. Also, it could cause some dissociation problems in society. Knowledge helps you to see the negative sides of anything. It makes you a pessimistic person. Like think about you are a doctor and your father had a heart attack. When you learn this news you will think about all the possibilities and that will make you more anxious than your mom, sister, or any relative who doesn’t have any information about heart attack.  And this will cause you to get apart from your friends, and family in a short way in society. Too much knowledge is one of the biggest enemies of creativity. Because it limits your imagination with some facts. For example, think about children who don’t have much knowledge but they have more imagination than we have. These are some basic examples of the negative sides of too much knowledge.

In the end we can say knowledge is a good thing if it is as much as it should be. But if it  is more than it has to be that will cause  some psychological disorders. If I have to summarize everything in one quote it should be “Knowledge makes people unhappy.”.

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