Kızılca Gün

I couldn’t sleep because of the excitement of the good news I learned:
Mustafa Kemal Pasha is coming to Ankara!

I had finished the last dress I sewed. It was a nice dress with a red flower pattern. I placed the dress next to my other dress and went out of my shop. People around were full of hope. I went back to my shop.  I started looking for a nice dress to wear because I was going to meet the Pasha. But unfortunately all the dresses in my wardrobe were old. All of them were like a rag. Finally I decided to wear a blue dress that I made myself. I made the last preparations and went to the place where it was said that Mustafa Kemal Pasha would come. I couldn’t hold back my tears at what I saw.

The “Seymen Alayı” which had not gathered for centuries stood in the square in all its glory. There were at least 700 pedestrians and about 3000 horsemen “Seymen”. “Seymen Alayı” would only gather on “Kızılca Day”. “Kızılca Day” was the day when the Turks were going through hard times and the leader who would save the Turks from this situation was chosen. “Kızılca Day” occurred only twice throughout history; the first was in “Selçuk Bey” fort he Seljuk Empire and the second was in “Osman Bey” for the Ottoman Empire.

And know the “Seymen Alayı” was gathering for Mustafa Kemal Pasha. I was going to witness the 3rd “Kızılca Day”.

A villager started shouting:

-Mustafa Kemal Pasha is coming! Mustafa Kemal Pasha is coming!

A car was standing in front of the square. My heart was beating faster than ever.

And finally I saw him. He stood before us in all his magnificience. I started to cry with happiness. I was very happy to see him with my own eyes.

Pasha came in front of the “Seymenler” and started speaking.

-Hello “Seymenler”!

“Seymenler” answered loudly in unison.

-Thank you Pasha!

-Friends! Why did you come here?

“Seymenler” spoke in unison again:

-We came to die for the sake of our country, Pasha!

I couldn’t hide my surprise at what I saw at that moment: Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s eyes were filled with tears.

-Thank you, soldiers!

All the other villagers shouted together.

-We came to die fot the sake of our country too, Pasha!

I saw the third “Kızılca Gün”, which has only happened twice throughout history. It was an indescriable feeling.


“Kızılca Gün” is the day of liberation!

“Kızılca Gün” is the day of rebirth!

“Kızılca Gün” is the day of enlightenment of the Turkish nation with the light of hope

Today is Deceber 27, 1919. Today is the day when the foundations of the Reublic of Turkiye were laid, which will celebrated even after 104 years!

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