Jeongyeon’s Diaries

Hi, they call me Jeongyeon. If you don’t know who I am, well technically diaries can’t know people, I am famous for being in a music group. Easy to say that this group is my whole life. The group is named Twice yet I only discovered where I belong once in this world. And it’s Twice. Normally I don’t put the effort into writing things, especially diaries. Dancing is a piece of cake for me but writing… “Hell no!” as some people say. Whatever. So I don’t usually find myself good at writing. Though when something or some things preferably, extremely special and horrendous occurs, you are just left speechless and have nowhere to go but the pages of the dusty books. What could express you better than a gist of your story of parallel universes and interuniversal sociopath murderers?

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First of all, I must say that my journey started a very long time before this. I don’t even know why this is happening now. By the time I unintentionally smelled a rose, I sensed that the tables were ready to turn. Let me explain. I was just hanging out with my friends in the summer night. Everything is good, everything fine. Somehow, a dizzy feeling caught me off guard and I was a few steps behind the group. With the blood red-neon green lights over me and hardly audible screams coming from my inside, I stood there for a few minutes like a dull. It was like I was frozen. Just as the screams had stopped, the numb feelings started to evoke, starting with a cold shiver. Was I always here? And the rose in front of me? It feels like I was in such a kind of maze. And I was not intending to be the Thomas of this maze. There was something wrong with this rose. It made me feel fancy. Feel special.


You know me. I had to touch it and the consequences were not clear. More like unclear instructions. The world shocked me for a few seconds though feeling like hours and hours. Not a single clue what to do, with my paralyzed mind I tried to think. Suddenly some pictures appeared in my mind. From the shocking touch it was. I guess it was like “Stranger Things”. This bloody rose introduced me the dangers waiting my group with a few pictures that randomly appeared. Then back to the “normal”. Remember when I said I don’t like mazes? Well turns out that you can’t get rid of mazes without running through them. Ran as far as possible from this rose just to save others. 


The moment I saw all my friends having fun and feeling special, I could see everything from the outer perspective. How could I be so blind all this time? This love.. This love that surrounded my friends. Oh, this bloody love that tricked my friends… In the 7 seas of unclarity, one thing certain was the poison of the ivy that surrounded us. Who was trying to poison us? This shouldn’t be happening to Twice once again. I saw, heard, felt, and nearly touched them. However, they seem to not notice it. I am trying to warn them. However, they seem to not notice it.


Oh no, oh no! What I can feel is that my friends are crossing the red line at some point and I cannot even do anything about it! They almost ate the forbidden apple without realizing the snakes next to it. Finally, I was going to be able to save the day. Why does everyone thinks that I am the evil? Yesterday, I found a piece of paper in my pocket that said “Call me now!” On the crumbled paper, there was also a number whose last digit had been wiped out. “666” Well, I know now. I am intentionally shown as evil by someone, or something. All of these thoughts aside, I just knew that I had to be as fast as I can with my motorcycle. But unfortunately… The evil has a hell lot of tricks up its sleeves. Once again I was not fast enough to stop my friends from crossing the red line. And I vowed that second,

Not a single drop of tear will I see at the end!

Not a single gram of chaos will I condone.” Learning my lesson, for the last and most important time, I took the road by jumping on the train of hope.


“Where does this train go?” No one heard, again. I shouted with all my power this time: “Where does this train go!” at that time, all my friends jumped from their serene deep ignorance/sleep and realized my voice. Was it too late to get happy? Hopefully not. Maybe it was too early. Losing ourselves to the cloud of dust and uncertainty, we are at least safe from going to the very end of this story. At least I know how to play this game now. And with all literal meanings, I can’t stop me.

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