A Man Forgotten Himself!

By the end of 1899, America was beginning to change, with judges, police, detectives, lawyers, and statesmen. Officially outlaws and bandits were on the hunt. In fact, the Pinkerton Detective Agency was established for some personal lawsuits or cases.

In 1885, Arthur joined the Van der Linde Gang. In 1886, when a failed ferry heist left them no choice but to cross the mountains, Arthur decided to rob the train of notorious oil businessman, Mr. Cornwall, to meet the needs of the gang. But Arthur was unsuccessful. That’s why the gang was on the road again.

In 1902, The gang was attacked by the Pinkertons first time. There were 17 casualties in the gang, including 4 children and 12 men. Dutch, the leader of the gang, was furious when he heard of the losses, so he immediately gathered the best men and raided Pinkerton headquarters. but Pinkerton and the army were waiting for the gang in ambush.When the gang got there the town was empty. Dutch who was the leader of the gang realized that something was wrong. and he shout don’t… don’t budge an inch. but it was too late, and suddenly the shooting began. 24 people in the gang were caught in an ambush. In the first minutes, 9 members of the gang had died. the survivors took refuge in the bar with Dutch’s leadership. bullet shootings did not stop, other gang members and their supporters were also called to help the gang. Pinkerton and the army had withdrawn.

Not long after, the gang had arranged a funeral for their lost and dutch delivered the following words to the public: We don’t want to kill any of these pinkertons but trust me, we will. These pinkertons, ain’t no such thing as civilized. It’s man so in love with greed… He has forgotten himself and only found appetites.

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