Is Reality Just A Reflection?

How do we know if something does really exist or not? We are trying to find answers using our limited knowledge to learn the secrets of the universe, but we still don’t know enough about it. The simulation hypothesis and the argument that reality of our universe can be an illusion gained fame with names like Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson. So is this possible? Could our lives be just a simulated hyper-reality? These opinions may seem like extreme ideas at first, but these theories should be considered if people want to completely understand about formation of the universe.

Cosmologists are using supercomputers to learn about dynamics of cosmos with creating and studying overly detailed simulations includes just a part of universe, not the whole observable universe. This progress reminds that the question “Could our reality be just a simulation with augmented reality (AR). For example, 50 years ago, most people were not even aware of the existence of such a thing as the internet. But right now, using our technology, we can present a fake reality of our own universe that is indistinguishable from the “real” thing.

To evaluate this theory, let’s first assume that every single frame of reality can be replicated and perfectly simulated. If a community rules us for its own benefit, it is most likely to close the energy gap in their planet. According to the Kardashev scale, a civilization needs at least Watt energy usage to become a Type 1 civilization. And there is 4 type of advanced civilizations, type 0, type 1, type 2 and type 3. To be compared, humanity has not yet reached Type 1 civilization status.

We are consuming 17.7 terawatt energy, this classify us between in type III-minus and type IV-minus civilization. In conclusion, if a civilization is advanced enough to use us, they must be far ahead of us and super-intelligent creatures so they can create living things to use as a tool for their intentions.

On the other hand, these beings may simply be using us to study intelligent life and learn about its nature. As a result, at least for us, this situation is not very clear and it is a subject that will really move a civilization forward in case of information about universe. Lastly, we all should know that If all the laws we know to be true and our knowledge of the cosmos are only a simulation, it will not be possible for us to detect it so this theory will stay as a theory for a long time until it is proven otherwise.

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