Is Money a Better God Than God?

We live in a world money and god are very similar to each other. They both are very complicated to deal with. They both can be people’s motivation to live or reason to not believe in this world. Having money can give directions to your life just like having spiritualism in you. Well I may dare to say money is a beter god than god. At least money is fun despite god.

Well money has drawbacks just like all gods. If you have too much of it, it can drive you crazy. But is it a bad thing? I mean when you have money and you forget yourself because of it everybody acts like this is the worst thing in the world. I am asking you because I am curious. What is forgeting yourself? Is it the person not being similar to previous version of themselfs or not acting according to the moral values forced on them. When somebody converts to a religion and changes their personality entirely for that religion everybody praises them but when somebody earns money by working and it undoubtely changes the persons personality everybody takes them for a greedy ambitious persons.

I am very well aware of the fact some people are not going to agree with my words and they are even going to get offended. Because I oppose with their moral values. But I do not intend to to hold my words back just not to offend people. In this country everybody pock their noses into things non of their bussines and force their mindset on them. People who thinks different from society’s values has almost no freedom of speech. I dare-say if you are not muslim in Turkey it is very hard to state your opinions. Of course I do not generalise all people having one belief. I don’t think belief has anything to do with ideas. Faith is in your heart, ideas are in your brain. Right now you may be thinking these sentences are irrevalant and yes they are. They are irrevalant but they are my thought process so actually they are relavant.

Now I have to put away my thought process and focus on the real topic. Yes when you have money it does change you but it is better than not earning anything and having an “ordinary” life. I would choose having money and being the person who forgets herself who has has no values, who is not obeying society’s ethic rules over being just like everybody else. A family, decent amount of money, kids… They are not temting me. I can not possibly bear one in eight billion. I can not imagine myself living under the pressure of this country. Well I choose money as my god. At least it makes life easier, bearable.

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