Is Maturity Directly Proportional to Age?

Do you think age is a relative concept? Or is she/he as knowledgeable as the year a person lived? Our age is one of the important factors that decide all the things we will do in this life and change the perspective of someone when they look at us. Well, are people really as mature as the year they lived?

In this period we live in, most people value their body, soul, intelligence and many vital activities as a number. The smaller this number, the younger it is, the larger it is, the older it is. If I give an example from today, I will talk about alcohol sales and cigarette sales. Like ” If you lived 18 years it’s legal for us to sell you this”. But can mental age really be measured by the year we live? This question always makes me think a lot. I am not yet 18 years old, but I have always wondered why alcohol sales are higher than protein sales even though they taught us that alcohol is harmful until the age of 18. If people have to be over the age of 18 to be prudent, why is it 18 years old when someone drinks alcohol despite everything they’ve learned and 14 years old doesn’t buy it despite all they know? They keep telling everyone about childhood innocence. It seems that not everyone matures as much as they learn. In my opinion, the concept we call age is not just the number of years we have lived. The concept we call age is what the book we read adds to us, it is the taste of the food we eat, it is not the number of countries we visit, actually, it’s the cultural values we learn. In my opinion, age is the value people place on their competence and versatility.

If one day someone comes to me and asks me how old I am, I will tell them the number of years I have lived and ask them to judge me only by what they see. I want it to determine a maturity value not as much as the year I lived, but as much as the effort I put in, as well as the book I read, as well as the projects I created with my creativity.  After all, age is just a number, maturity is a personal choice…


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