Is It Relative to Be Successful?

The definition of the word success may differ from person to person and it is quite natural for it to differ. Because every individual living in society grows up in different conditions, and the interests of each person may be different. This, in turn, allows each person to have different perspectives on success. For this reason, being successful can be defined differently for each individual. This definition is completely related to the perception of “being successful” that a person has formed in his mind.

In addition to the fact that the environmental factor affects the person about success, it is also very important to want and love the job that is wanted to achieve. Because usually a person is much more successful in the job he likes. A person can also achieve certain successes from a job he does not like, but reluctance starts not to carry the person forward after a certain point.

Environmental conditions are a factor that affects the individual’s thoughts and perhaps even makes him turn to different areas of interest. Being like the person who has achieved success, whom we have chosen as an example for ourselves, can be our definition of success. Wanting to be like him is perhaps our greatest desire.

For example, let’s consider a boy. Let his father be a very good football player and the child should always want to be like his father. Success for this boy is to become a good football player. Or a child who has grown up intertwined with music, if his interest is also in this direction, this child’s perception of success may be to make a sound in the field of music. For this reason, I think that the perception of “being successful” formed in our minds should not be evaluated without taking into account the environmental conditions.

Every person can want to be successful in life. However, success is not achieved only by wanting. There are steps to be climbed in this process. This, in turn, requires patience, perseverance, determination and effort. Now, let’s see what we have to do to achieve success. If you patiently, faithfully and consistently stick to your plan, success will always be with you.

Let’s not forget that being successful is a choice. You are the one who will decide this with what you do and what you don’t do. If difficulties or obstacles on the way to success can make you give up immediately, might you not be sufficiently committed to your goal? At this point, you need to review it again.

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