Is It Really Crime Or Not?

If you commit a crime to feed a hungry child that does not make you a bad person. If you just commit a crime to feed a hungry child that means you are a good person, you just try to feed that child.

You may look like a bad person on the laws for committing the crime. We all know that laws do not look at why you have just committed the crime. So, you are committing the crime for that child. For example, if we think of a crime like stealing something for a hungry kid. If you were not a good person you would not steal the food for that kid. Stealing food to feed a hungry kid makes you do a good thing with the wrong way. I mean stealing something is a really bad thing but the aim here is to feed the hungry child. If you see a child that feels bad because of hunger. You have to help him/her. That is a necessity in that situation. After committing a crime to feed a hungry child you may have got arrested. Actually, if we think about stealing food again, you get arrested for stealing the food. You can also go to prison for that but in this situation going to prison does not make you a bad person. Laws look like the thing you have done. People do not ask you why you have done it. It is simply like if you commit a crime you are arrested. But they have to ask: -we can think about stealing again-” Why did you steal a low amount of food, that does not enough for you then why did you do that?”They may ask sometimes but it does not change anything, if people ask this it will be a solution. Also, the person whose food has been stolen should be an understanding person to just not tell the cops that the person who has stolen the food to feed the hungry kid just stole the food for the kid. That’s it. If people be more understanding it can solve most of the things in the world.

To sum up, committing a crime to feed a hungry child does not make you a bad person. You will be that kid’s hero but not the hero for the laws.

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