Mosquitoes are a type of animal that disturbs humans and many other creatures. According to research, if we eliminate mosquitoes, there will be no significant change in the ecosystem.

First, mosquitoes carry serious diseases such as malaria and yellow fever. This causes the human population to decline. According to research, two hundred ten million people are affected by diseases carried by mosquitoes each year. This is why all people want to destroy mosquitoes. In fact, we can destroy them now thanks to technology. But it’s a risky business for now because the animal may mutate and become even worse.

Let’s say we eradicate that pesky bug species. Could the ecosystem collapse? The answer to the question is very simple: No. The reason is that mosquitoes are not the primary food of any living creature in nature. Rest assured.

I think one day a technology will emerge that can destroy mosquitoes, and we will get rid of them.

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