Does Chocolate Really Make People Happy?

It is often told that chocolate makes people happy. When I was 6 or something, my mum ⁄dad told me that if I ate chocolate, I would be satisfied. And I really believe in it, because I was little. But in the research that I did today I learned. Chocolate increases the level of serotonin in the brain and gives a feeling of happiness. Chocolate relaxes the brain, gives happiness, and causes the brain to release endorphins. This secretion makes us feel happy. So, I realized it’s just hormonal.

Also, chocolate makes people more beautiful. Because chocolate, which is very rich in antioxidants, beautifies the skin. As we just mentioned, antioxidants are very effective players in cell regeneration. It plays a major role in closing skin imperfections. Can you believe that! İts insane, like how it can be. But I want to answer the question, do people think they are happy or they are really happy. So, if they (ı don’t believe in that) are happy- because of serotonin- do they being happy really or do they just think that “oh ı ate chocolate I will be happy.” don’t think so. If I thought that when I was little, I’m really stupid.

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