Is Being a Witch Really That Bad?

It was about to be midnight. Anthea forgot to go to the bakery in the daytime and the one that was near to where she lived was already closed. Because of that she had to go to the one that was really far away. And now she was on her way to her father’s home where both her sister and she stayed in. On her way there she stepped on a washed-out, yellowed paper that had a familiar face on it. She couldn’t recognize who that was due to the dirty shoe prints on it. When she picked it up, an overwhelming sensation covered her entire body. She started running to her house, forgetting about the bakeries that fell on the floor with the shock of the realisation.

When Anthea was about to be near the building, a crowd around a gallows that was screaming in rage caught her eye. They had spade forks, torches in their hands. She got close enough to interfere and screamed at them, saying ‘’Are you out of your damned minds you vicious bastards? ‘’. There was a silent for a moment. And then one of the executioners that was standing on the wooden platform asked who she is and if she knows what she is doing is illegal with a exasperation in his tone. The girl, now was boiling with anger, answered ‘’Illegal? What you people are doing is illegal! You don’t or shouldn’t have permission to do a crime like putting my sister to her death. ‘’. The crowd began to murmur about the insulting behavior of the girl.

The other executioner that wasn’t aggressive like the first one explained, ‘This lady is being executed for the actions of doing witchcraft, do you see any reason why we shouldn’t? ‘’. Anthea stated, ‘’My sister, Catherine is an extremely warm-hearted person. She wouldn’t worship the devil even if someone forced her to. ‘’. After that the hostile executioner pointed out, ‘’Some kids saw what she did, that’s a solid evidence. Don’t get involved in the Church’s business. ‘’.

At that time Anthea came eye to eye with Catherine, she expected her to look scared but of course she didn’t. Instead her eyes had the loving warmth in them that she always had whenever her little sister Anthe was not doing emotionally okay. Normally, this expression of Catherine would make her feel at home and safe. But she only felt lost, her big sister did everything for her and now she couldn’t even move an inch to help her as a result of the terror racing in her veins. When the executioner’s hand was going into the lever Anthea couldn’t bear to look at the scene anymore. She ran far away from that place following with her despairful tears.

The girl slumped on the floor from the exhaustion the running brought. After a while of lying down and trying to control her breath, she realized why her sister was calmly on the gallows like that. It was obvious that the church was going to come after them after their mother was also blamed for being a witch like every other innocent people. So her sister ‘’confessed’’ for Anthea to be safe before it was too late. With that Anthea started sobbing again, more than the one that happened 30 minutes ago. She fell asleep while whimpering on the cold streets of Kingdom of France, wishing at least Catherine could do magic so she would have been blamed for doing bad deeds instead of being who she was.

Why does standing out has to be something like this?



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