Is Animal Testing Worth

Animal testing is a process that has been around for centuries and is still used today. The practice of using animals for experiments has been a topic that is debated on for years, some people believe that it’s cruel and inhumane to use animals in this way; while some others feel that it is justified in order to find cures for certain illnesses.

Animal testing is in fact our savior. Many of the medical stuff that we have today were made possible because of animal testing. For exanple: even the cure for the Covid 19 was developed through experiment on animas. Without animal testing, we may have never found a cure for this deadly disease.

Critics of animal testing argue that the practice is cruel and inhuame, however i believe that this is not the case. Animals in experiments are typically well cared for and are not given any more pain than what neccesary. I think that animal testing is a valuable tool that can be used to improve human health. It is important to remember that most of us wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for animals.

In summary, animals have been a good help to find cures to diseases all along, and we should be thankful to them.

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