Invention of Internet

Throughout history many great inventions were made which are the reason humanity developed and is still developing. Inventions are a key factor for our improvement and development. Inventions made in many fields help us in many ways. These inventions sometimes save lives, propose solutions and overall contribute to us for living a better life.

The contribution of internet is a lot for humans lives. Internet helps us to combine and use things in our daily lives. It helps us with facts and developing new informations and keeps us in touch with people. Not also providing accessible to education it helps us to gain social and economic development. Being able to use internet connections in decent ways makes us way more safe in our recent lives. For improving the ways of using media in accurate ways, I would boost the number of users who can see the results of harmful media. To conduct internet in a good way it’s important to induce people that internet can be harmful it is actually a very important invention for our lives but it also has plenty of negative sides. I would shut down the websites that include inaccurate information. Or I would talk to people about trusting unknown websites to rase the awareness. It would be a better place to search safe information.

If internet was used for better stuff actually if internet was only used for good information it wouldn’t cause any problems to anyone or anything. But because of the bad use of social media, peoples lives get harder everyday with wrong information. So to make peoples lives easier, I would make the best invention (internet) a safe place for everybody.

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