Interpreting Human Thoughts to Speech

First of all what is artificial intellegence? AI is the intelligence of a machine or computer that enables it to imitate or mimic human capabilities.AI uses multiple technologies that equip machines to sense, comprehend, plan, act, and learn with human-like levels of intelligence. Fundamentally, AI systems perceive environments, recognize objects, contribute to decision making, solve complex problems, learn from past experiences, and imitate patterns. These abilities are combined to accomplish tasks like driving a car or recognizing faces to unlock device screens.

The years we have past scientis has developted a device that interprets animal thoughts to computer screen.Although scientist have developted the same device for human thoughts.This machine can interpret human thoughts to speech.For the lazy ones these words are magnficent news, but for the ones who are shy or have a problem with can not have a relaxed conversation without anxiety to have a conversation with world this is a humongous nightmare.

We all experienced the time when you want to say something to someone but even the tought of it have consequences so you swallow the words your going to shout and remain silent at rest of the time.At that kind of situations that is not a good device for saving the day.

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