Internet Is Down

Topic for this blog:

“Consider that you no longer have internet due to some technical issues. This Write a story describing one day of a person living in conditions”

Chapter One: Waking Up

You wake up, drink some water. You try to get out of the bed, but you are so tired from last night, so you pull the blanket to your head, and you tell yourself; “just five more minutes.” While you are thinking of the internet going out last night and everyone freaking out, everything you see is dark. You see nothing but darkness when suddenly you find yourself in a street. A car almost hits you when you are starting to walk. You look in the car but there is nobody driving it! The car keeps saying “Set mode to autopilot”. People listen to music, play games, watch videos and movies in the street. You ask a stranger; “How does everyone do things which need internet, without having internet themselves?” The guy says “Without having internet? There is free internet everywhere! And it is unlimited!” You get confused, but also happy. Suddenly your stomach starts to growl. You start to walk to a market to buy some bread and eat breakfast at home. You go inside the building and pick up some bread and head over to the cashier. You say “I want to buy these” but the cashier does not even care. He is wearing headphones and he is playing games on his mobile phone. You ask again and the cashier is surprised that he saw you. You feel like you know him from before, but you also feel like you don’t. He tells you owe 7.75 TL. You pay the money and go out when everyone starts screaming. You shout in confusion; “What is happening?!” Someone comes over in panic and says, “Someone hacked the internet and they took all of our internet! They are going to launch the nuclear bombs Russia has in 5 minutes! We are all going to die!” And he runs away. You start looking at the sky, when the sky turns red. You attempt to call the police, but you only realize after that it is too late. You get panicked when some kids point at the sky; “A falling star! This means luck!” But then another guy shouts; “It’s not a falling star you child! It is the bomb!” And everyone starts screaming once again and once the giant bomb falls on your head, everything turns black again. And you see that you are still in your bed. You get relaxed when you realize it was only a dream, or maybe a nightmare. Not nightmare, more like daymare. You look at the time when you realize it’s been 2 hours since you said “just five more minutes” . It is now 10:34 AM! You quickly get up, getting ready for the newest day of your life.

Chapter Two: New Day, New Plan

You sit to have breakfast but you are so tired, confused, and a little scared after the “daymare” you saw 30 minutes ago. You decide to eat some cereal. You take out the cereal box, milk, and a bowl. You put the cereal, after it you put milk. You start spooning the cereal. You don’t really feel like doing anything today, unlike other days. You then decide to check the news. You open your phone, open Google and search “Daily News”. But it says “Error 404 No internet connection”  .You check the WiFi and it looks like there is nothing wrong with it. You open the new notifications from Whatsapp and when you click the notifications, it says the same thing; “Error 404 No internet connection” When you suddenly hear an announcement sound coming from outside. You look out of the window and you see a gray bus crossing the street in front of your house. You see your cat walking over to you.  You stand up, petting your cat and you pad over to the door. You stop the bus and ask the bus driver, “What’s going on here? Do you know what happened to my WiFi?” He says “Well I’m just here for that. The internet in the whole planet is out because of “technical problems“ they say. Well I am here to announce that. But I don’t really believe it was because technical problems. They just do these kinds of things for fooling people.” You reply, “Well, I would understand their joke if they did it for only a small city or village but, why and how would they fool the whole world?” Your day got a lot more confusing as the day passed by. Your cat starts making loud noises. When you realize her food and water bowl is empty and her automatic dispenser machine is out of internet and not working. You have to put the food for her now. Your day gets even worse when you see your hamster has died. You sadly dig him in your backyard and make a small grave for him.

Chapter Three: A Day Without Internet

You realize life will be hard without internet. You decide to spend the rest of the day sleeping. You lay on the bed, and your cat lays on you and starts to purr. It gets more and more satisfying as you realize every second, she is fluffier then the last time.

You wake up, see your cat is sleeping on your laps. You check the time, and it is 17:48! You then realize your cat is still purring for hours. You pet her in the head. And sleep again, without knowing it. You wake up at 20:27. It’s been almost three hours since you fell asleep again. You get up and open the computer to write your assignment. But guess what! No internet connection. You go and eat dinner. You have no food at home, so you decide to order some pizza. But no internet connection again…! You start going crazy of  boredom. You have nothing left to do. You decide to play with your cat for a while. But she is still asleep. You do not want to wake her up, so you just sit right next to her and start to pet her. She starts purring, while climbing up on your laps. She lays on your laps, and sleeps. You fall asleep as the cat purrs on your legs.

Chapter Fours: After The Night

You find yourself on the floor, with your cat’s head under your chin. You wake up due to the notification noises coming from the phone. You see that you have 461 messages in total. You are surprised, and also confused. You don’t understand how do you see the messages. There was meant to be no internet! But then you see the WiFi icon fully working. You open YouTube to test it out. With the confusion, you open a video and it works! You get so happy that you have WiFi again. You open the news and see that the internet is now fully open to everyone.

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