Integrity of Discipline and Freedom

Discipline is freedom because it helps us achieve our dreams. Do you want to be a good mountaineer? So, besides working hard, you must also be disciplined. Because discipline requires consistency.

Discipline is freedom because it brings order to life. For example, if a piece of music is irregular, it will scratch the ear, but if the notes are smooth, the melody will flow and allow the person to progress.

Discipline is freedom because as long as you are disciplined, no one can say you unite or interfere. If you finish your homework on time, if you don’t miss your training, no one will have anything to say to you. You will be both happy and peaceful and free.

Discipline is freedom because it unleashes creativity. Creativity means flow from non-discipline to discipline. Discipline is to follow order. The creative man is free.

Discipline is freedom because discipline comes from our core. Discipline given by someone else is alien to our essence. If we try to conform to it, we become alienated from ourselves and our freedom is taken away.

Discipline is freedom because it develops control over one’s wants and desires. It allows us to discipline our breath. Thus, our self-esteem develops. A self-respecting person is free. Discipline develops our free will.

Discipline is freedom because self-confidence of a disciplined person will be high. Self-confident people are leaders in spirit. They work day and night to achieve their goals. They have a great desire and drive to progress and achieve. Having self-confidence also means being free-spirited.

Discipline is freedom because it gives people the ability to use their time better. Good habits acquired at a young age directly and positively affect a person’s future.

Discipline is freedom because it strengthens one’s ability to control one’s emotions. A person who can control his emotions will have a peaceful, healthy and happy body.

Discipline is freedom because it makes a huge contribution to the development of talents. In order for a person to be successful in any field such as sports, art or politics, he must first have talent. But just being talented does not mean that success can be sustained. Talent should be supported first by education and then by discipline and should never be separated from each other. The successful person lives freely as a person who can make his own decisions.

Discipline is freedom because it strengthens the sense of forgiveness in people. Forgiveness is a great virtue and liberates a person.

Discipline is freedom because it motivates people. It keeps us moving when our morale is low. It gives us the strength to keep going no matter how tired we are. As it increases our productivity and hard work, it also increases our probability of success. The productive man is free.

Discipline is freedom because it allows u

s to learn to say “no”. By making it easier for us to control our thoughts, it prevents distraction. The person who can say “no” is free.

Discipline is freedom because it makes it easier for us to deal with difficulties. Being able to overcome adversity makes us stronger.

Discipline is freedom because our self-confidence increases thanks to the discipline that allows us to look at life positively.

Discipline is freedom because it frees us from bad habits such as procrastination, headaches, being lazy and getting up late. We become self-confident, free individuals.

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