
“The world is extraordinary and full of magic. Everyone can do whatever they want to do. There is nothing like disgust arrogance, insolence… Everybody can get their money as their time of work. Everything is cheap and affordable. There are not any street animals. Homelessness is not a thing. Nobody even knows what homeless mean. Health care is free like public transport. There are no inequalities between women and men. Nobody knows what sexism or racism means because they do not exist in this world. Everybody has their own world. For example, if you do not want to communicate or do something that day you do not have to. The system can count you as if you do not exist.

That is the simulation system in the real world. Under the rainbow, there was war, blood, chaos, confluence… Everybody is fighting with each other and after some time it does not really matter what you are fighting for you are just fighting and that is all. If you want to join the simulation you need to obey every obligation.

First of all, you need to get brainwashed. You only need to remember basic things like walking, talking, eating… You can not remember your name, your family or anything related to your personal life. Not just only remembering you can not even know that kind of things exist. The simulation will give you a number like username and that is it. You are going to live that number’s life. In the beginning, the first “numbers” time, that is what they call the people who live in the simulation, is determined by the simulator creators. For example, your number is 7 and you are a farmer which means the first 7 was also a farmer and the last 7 is going to be a farmer. This system tries to prevent development. Because in this world development means war.

The second rule, you need to give up on your gender. Since there will not be any emotions except happiness and sadness, since happiness can not be without sadness, people generally do not care about this rule. After all, if they do not accept these rules the other choice is war so overall nobody cares about the rules they just want to live.

The third and last rule is, these are the three main rules to enter the system but in the system, there are more of them, to be intelligent. This is about your IQ level and social status. If you have a superior IQ level but you are not social enough that is a category. There are three categories first one is superior IQ low social skills, the second one is low IQ superior social skills, and the last one is superior IQ and superior social skills, these people generally run the simulation.”

That was the TV programme that everybody has to watch every day at one p.m. Everything was the same besides this. That TV programme spread some signals to people’s brains to prevent the war and since that TV programme, everything was better under the rainbow.

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