In a Painting

I was in a art gallery one day. One of my favorite things to do in my free time. I was looking at the paintings. Normally under the painting there is some information under it about who made the art. While I was exploring I saw a drawing. It was a gorgeus cottage house in a small town. But the house was little and away from the village. It was in the middle in the woods like a wicked house. After I was done looking the painting I looked down to see who made it. When I looked at it I was in shock. The art was made from someone called “unknown”. After I looked the painting again my eyes started to see in blur. When I woke up I found myself in an old bed with old sheets. I quickly got up and rush outside. When I reach the garden and turned around. It was that house from the painting it was that cottage house that I found beautiful. I screamed for help but no body heard because the house was to away from village. I was scared to go to the village because there was a whole forest to pass. What if there were hungry wolves or bears that wanted to eat me. I didn’t wanna get killed in a painting. I rushed inside the house but this time I had an idea. While I am still inside I was going to write this whole adventure to someone called “unknown”. After I finished my letter my eyes started to see in blur again. When I woke up again I saw a doctor beside me. He told me that I forget to take my inhaler so I fainted. Well yes, I have asthma. When I got up to go home I checked the painting from cottage house window you can see me writing that letter. I knew that it was a simple faint.

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