Importance of Being Honest

We all had seen people who bend the truth to avoid the consequences of actions they have done. But is this necessary for survival?
Firstly, bending the truth would maket he situation even worse. Because you would be on a knife-edge because of thinking if the truth comes out. We all have heard the quote “The truth has a habit of coming out one day”. As we can understand from this quote, the truth wouldn’t be stay hidden forever. After people learn the truth, you would be excluded from your friend group. It is because you would be known as a “liar” until your life ends.
Secondly; if you admit that what you have done, you would be treated as a bad person at the beginning, but then people would treat you the opposite way. Because your honesty is the thing that matters most to the people. The reason behind that is nowadys, people aren’t very honest. For example, in traffic the driver who hit a car is guilty, but this person blames the car brake for not working. However he is guilty obviously. This is only to avoid the sanction .
Thirdly, people escape from the responsibility of actions they can’t handle. This is because people think that they can handle it but it ends up being a failure for them. So thay wouldn’t want to face the responsibility and facts. So they bend the truth as a way of escaping. However, in life this fact would come out sooner or later. At the end they would have to face the consequences of that actions.
In conclusion, bending the truth shouldn’t be seen a way of escaping from facts. Because in life, we all have to take the responsibility of our actions. If we did something bad we have to endure the consequences and it is  same for other situation as well. If we don’T take the responsibility and try to hide it from others, it would find a way to come out. So don’t try to bend the truth, try to be honest to others and try to be remembered as a good person by others while you still can.

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