
It was real. After ten years, I finally found immortality. I showed my experiment to the king. He laughed, but it was not funny. He said, “That is impossible. Show it.” I opened the lid. It smelled so weird. We tried it on a knight. He drank it and made some noises. A couple of minutes later, the king wanted to test it. He took a gun and shot the knight. The knight was calm. He slowly put a towel to his stomach. The king was shocked and shot the knight again, but the knight didn’t react. The king took the test tube and drank it.


Immortality spread all over the world. I was the only person who didn’t drink it. A couple of days later, news came to me that the king and the knight had died. I think it is related to me. Slowly, other people also started to die. I escaped to another country since the people who survived were going to execute me. I was happy in my new country.

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