Immortal Pyramids

Once upon a time there was an alchemist who made potions to save people from death. He was trying his best to help people but he didn’t receive anything except getting tortured. When I woke up, I was in Egypt near the pyramids. I didn’t understand anything because I was living in England and I suddenly woke up near the pyramid. After that I decided to look around to find someone so I can get help to get back to my country and to get some answers from him. After I found a person, he looked at me and begged me to heal his mother. At first, I didn’t understand anything so I wanted him to explain it to me. After he explained what happened to me, I understood that I went back in time and also, I reincarnated as an alchemist who makes potions and helps people. Then I suddenly learned what an alchemist did. After that I went home and made some potions. When I woke up for the second day, I remembered that I buried a potion that makes you immortal so I drank it. After I drank the potion, I fell asleep. After I woke up, I was in England and I was on my bed. I didn’t understand if it was a dream or not but it felt great.

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