Who are you?

I think everyone wants to change something about themselves. Because every person has a weak point. Even if that man is the most handsome in the world he still wants to change something in himself or even if a girl is the most beautiful in the world she still wants to change something in her own body.

I can give you examples. My sister is so beautiful but she says “I want to change my nose” but if she does not change her nose I think she will be better. For example, a close friend of mine is very handsome, but he always says that he is not handsome and wants himself to be more handsome. If you ask me, I do not think I am handsome and if I wanted to change something in my own body it would be my height because I would like to be a little taller or I would like my ears to be smaller and I wish I was more muscular and I wish I was more attractive. If I were to change my personality and create myself, I would make myself an angry individual in less time.


As a result of what I wrote, I would change these characteristics in myself. If you were to recreate yourself as you wish, what kind of person would you create?

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