If Only I Was Invisible..

I feel like everybody in their life time has wished they were invisible at least once, so have I. I have wished to be invisible to do many things, usually they are things like going outside and visiting places without anyone knowing or sometimes being able to get things for free even if its not the right way. But it is only a dream so it can’t hurt anyone. That is until something like a wish or a dream comes true.

One morning when I woke up, I went to the bathroom to wash my face as it was a part of my routine. When I got close to the mirror I could not see myself. I got scared and screamed although no one seemed to notice. I went and started looking for my parents so I could confirm I wasn’t in a dream. I couldn’t find them anywhere so I just assumed they had left for work early. I didn’t know how long I would be invisible for so I started to think of ideas of what I could do while I was invisible. I mean how often does somebody become invisible in their lifetime. The first thing I could think of was go to America and Disneyland. This all felt like a dream so I actually got up got ready and set off my way to the airport. No one could see me so it was easy getting there.

Right as I was about to board my plane I heard a ringing noise in my ears. It was my alarm going off and I had woken up from my dream. It was probably the best dream I had in a while and I was sad it was over especially when I had gotten to the best part.

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