If I Were a Magician…

Pretty much every kid on Earth loves magicians, am I right? I still do, and they still have the ability to trick me sometimes. I used to find them really amazing before I found out the tricks of magic. But today, i will be talking more on “if I were a magician…” topic.

As a magician, I would magically plant new seedlings in places where trees have been cut down or felled to make place for concrete structures. I would magically water them and nurture them till they are big enough to support themselves. I would like to plant more flowering plants magically so that everyone has a pleasant smile and refreshing feel whenever they see them. As a magician, I would act on the burning issue of the nation – corruption.

Magically, I would work on installing scientific gadgets and help bring to bars those who are involved in the act. If I can magically catch hold of corrupt persons red-handed then they would be put under bars. I would use my magical powers to clean the bureaucracy. I would like to use my magic powers to do such things that would help people.

I would magically send every other child to school and make sure, their futures are bright. I would magically dis guise myself as some other form to do things that cannot be achieved by plain means. I would bring strict laws of the nation and if somebody did not follow them, I would magically enter their names in the register. As a magician, I would eat and live in royal means for at least a day.

So, to enjoy the benefits of such luxuries, I would turn out in the form of a magician and do those things that I wouldn’t possibly do otherwise. As a magician my biggest task would be to encourage people to be hardworking by nature. Things that are hit on our ears are generally acted upon at a faster pace, so, I would magically do such things that push people from their comfort zones. As a magician, I would stop people from eating unhealthy and junk food.

Especially parents whose children eat junk food will be targeted first. I would wait magically at schools for the lunch bell to go and then take away junk food items from whoever has bought it. I would magically stop people from throwing wastes into rivers. I support beautification of rivers and hence would magically stop pilgrims from adding wastes to river waters.

My aim is to have a clean and green city which I aim to achieve magically. I also would like to magically instill a sense of time and promptness in people. That wouldn’t happen if I use my magical powers and change the front face of the system. We are a globalized economy and as a magician I would work on bringing in communal harmony and respect for all cultures.

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