İf i Could Do Magic

Once upon a time a poor boy named Jack he is helpfull , brave  and smart. One of the days he went to his school and he saw a group of  people that they hates Jack . When Jack saw that group and suddenly he is panicked and runs to back of the school. Then the bullies came and started to bullying Jack. Jack is mad at bullies and went his home and start crying in his bed . Than Jack’s mom saw Jack’s face and said ‘ What happend are you okey ‘.And Jack told everything that happened.



Later that day Jack’s mom came that school and want to speak with the boss of the school and told everything about Jack . Jack has terrified and scared. Another day Jack goes his school with scare than he saw that group of bullies and the bullies came near of Jack and said ‘ you cant do anything to us unless you need to cry and snitch on to your mother ‘. Than Jack mad at bullies and goes his home and saw a tea pot on his table and started to examinate the tea pot . Than a genie appeared and said ‘say whatever you want from me but you have only 1 wish ‘ Than Jack said ‘ İ wish i could do magic ‘ than the genie dissapeared and the tea pots shine was gone.



Later that day Jack tries to do magic in his house, later that, a shine appeared and the window in his house was broken and Jack gladly said ‘yay! i can do magic too’. Than Jack went his school and go to near of bullies and thought to hurt the bullies but he never thinked that he could kill the bullies if they are the bullies he cant kill them but he do his magic and hurt the bullies. And he screamed ‘yay! i beat you’ and the bullies are awake and said ‘ how can  yo do that ‘ and Jack gladly returns his house.




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