I Would Rather Be

First of all, all professions are sacred and we need them all, but there are 2 professions that attract attention in society. Doctor and engineer. These two professions get a lot of attention because doctors are everywhere in our lives, and engineers are literally everywhere. They exist in computers, homes, interior design, all mathematical and physics problems. If you ask me whether you want to be an engineer who can do anything or a doctor who can be successful in every field, I would say an engineer. Now I will explain to you why.

I prefer the engineer because I can invent anything and it is amazing. If I become a doctor, I will contribute to human health, but if I become an engineer who can do everything, I can help everyone, including doctors, who I can help with anything. In addition, I will know a lot of things, literature, all languages, mathematics, physics, chemistry, everything. I also make a lot of money when people ask me if you can do it because nowadays or in ancient times people are always in need and want.

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