I Wish I Could Do Magic

Ever since I was a kid, I have always wanted to do magic. I used to think that if I had a wand or could do magic with my hands, as I see in the movies and TV shows. But I was very upset when I learned that there is no such thing in real life.

 Now I will give you magic examples  from TV shows, movies, my own childhood dreams etc. First, lets take a look at the TV shows and movie characters and their universes. For example, our famous example, the Harry Potter universe. People are divided into two in this universe. Muggles and Wizards. Muggles are the name gicen to ordinary people like us who are not wizard. When I watched that series, I thought I was a wizard (because the director wanted to give the feeling to us) and I used to call my family muggles till the age of 6. If it was true that I thought I was a magician, my favorite spell would be wingardium leviosa. This spell is used to levitate any object.

Let’s take a look at another film universe, Star Wars. Although, there is not that much magic in this universe, the people can use force to levitate people or things from ordinary life, or to raise their hands or parts of their bodies by focusing. If I was like that, I would like to use the force. For example, if someone tried to hit me on the street, I could use force quickly to grab its hand and throw it to the ground.

And I wouldn’t want to ignore the Marvel universe, which is another big universe. One of the most famous magicians in the Marvel universe, Dr. Strange. By directing the ring on his finger, he can make shields that are nearly impossible to break, extremely sharp blades and a very strong rope with a few quick moves.

Also Scarlett Witch, another wizard superhero is also one of my favorites . With her hands, she can enter people’s brains, play with their thoughts and ideas, easily lift a very heavy object like a truck with one hand, teleport by mirrors, teleport to different universes with The Dark Book and achieve almost what is desired.

Apart from these TV shows and movies, I had other magic dreams. For example, flying with commanding with my brain, which is one of the best. Whenever I want, I can control my body with my mind and fly, shooting laser from my eyes, also the magics that I want, shooting fire and ice out of my mouth, reading people’s minds.

 I always wanted to do these spells when I was a kid. It’s the mind of a child. When I grew up, I was very sad when I learned that there was no magic, as I said, if it were real, I would do these and my magics are about to make my life easier as you noticed.

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