I Made Teleportation Real

It all started with a stupid English project. The goal of the project was to develop a tool to travel instantly, it’s like a teleportation tool, and that’s what came to my mind. As a matter fact that’s what the whole class thought of. Everyone’s ideas were good, but some were so bad that people almost got eye cancer. Well, in my opinion, mine was the best. It had all the cool features that I could think of.  It had every answer for every question you had. It was amazing, and yeah here it comes the ones that ruined my potential, the English teacher AND the whole broad stinky class, it was kind of embarrassing, everyone was laughing, I didn’t know what was funny. After all that, the class explained to me why there were laughing, and it was only that. It was impossible that was truly rude, why would they say something like that. I have feelings too. I’m a human (I think so) I was angry. I had my confidence back. I had that unstoppable potential. I know that I could do it, and was going to. I had started the impossible project, the project to make my English project come true. I had one issue, I didn’t have a partner, and there was no way I could do this project by myself. Thank god, I had a best friend to help me. (Before all that let me explain the English project I made) [This teleportation tool is approximately 4 meters in length and 50 centimeters in width, it had a part which did most of the job, the part is ” Nuno Magnet” it’s a floating magnet that opens a secured wormhole that makes you teleport, but at the same time, it makes you go in the future depending on the distance you traveled. It is mainly powered by hydropower, you may ask “Why hydropower?” it’s because the Nuno magnet needs liquid water to float and gain force to open wormholes. It’s also renewable making it a win. The body of the teleportation tool is mainly gold making. It’s too expensive to build one and the Nuno magnet is 50 kg and is made out of Rhodium, Rhodium is $244k per kilogram, which means the Nuno magnet costs $12.2 million dollars plus the amount of gold being used with some extras it’s roughly 26.6 million dollars, sheesh, I’m only an 8th grader. My monthly income is 4 dollars from grocery shopping.] My friend was Eric, he was going to help me. We got started in no time. Things were going great, I was designing the tele- right at that moment I realized we didn’t even have a name for the tool, we brainstormed for hours and came up with this teletution ( tele-tuu-shin) Now I could peacefully continue I was designing teletution on a piece of cardboard and Eric was making donation posters on the internet. We stood up till 2 in the morning, then finally slept. Money and a fresh brain were all we needed so we waited for 2 weeks before seeing how much money we have risen. I was in disbelief $24 DOLLARS?? I can’t even buy chocolate milk powder with that much money. We searched for what we have possibly missed or done wrong. And I think the problem is marketing. We spent days developing a good quality commercial so people donate and support us in financial ways. The video turned out to be successful and we raised $2.000 dollars which was a lot but not enough at all, we needed a lot more than that. Months passed and now we were in high school and this gave us an advantage, professors, and teachers give more attention to these kinds of things and that’s why Eric and I asked the science professor to help us and he surprisingly agreed. We discussed for a week month’s year we calculated all the physics and if it was possible to do this. I was lying in bed when I got a message it was from the president willing to help us with teletution I jumped out of bed and told Eric about this great news. He was totally hyped about this and the professor cheered us. We told them about the project to the president in more detail. He loved it. In the coming years, we analyzed the last pit of detail and by far we have raised 2 million dollars, the world was talking to us and us only everyone believed that we could do it. I realized what I had done. I made one of the world’s biggest project and it’s going amazing, I was proud of myself and would always be. We started building, and we got things spiced up with the base of the teletution It was really challenging to try to find that much gold but we obviously found enough gold. It was going fresh till the professor had a heart attack, it was devastating, but no I can do this with Eric the only person I need to continue. It was ready it looked amazing. We just had a big issue about if it’d work and if it does who is going to try it. We actually got hundreds of volunteers, in this case, we did tests on all volunteers as expected only 1 passed she was a sweet girl… I had a crush on her. Don’t blame me, she’s too sweet. We got her ready I mean Eric got her ready (I was too shy) I watched as she teleported, IT WORKED IT DID!!  That was my journey of making teleportation real in my current life I’m married for 10 years, and guess who that girl that I had a crush on her, her name is Jamie. I was able to do this project with my confidence and self-potential you only need those 2 to make everything you imagine real..

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