I Guess,Happy Birthday

I woke up drenched in sweat due to my horrible experience with dreams for the last couple of months.I reached to my phone to catch up with the notifications I was expecting but it was an dissapointment.Oh,just to clue you in today is my birthday.I guess,Happy Birthday to me.I threw my self out of the bed to go grab some breakfast and enjoy my fascinating rest of the day playing video games.It was about to be noon and my mom was out shopping for the houselhold needs.I can clearly say that I have a crowded family because I have to share an house with eight other people.My grandma,Grandpa,Mom,Dad,Sister,Brother and my annoying little brother timmothy.I have a lot to say about each and every person in this list but I prefer not to.My grandpa was preparing peanutbutter and jelly sandwich for himself downstairs at the kitchen.I really dont get the fact that he consumes nearly ten of them each day.I said nearly beacuse my annoying little brother steals his denture every night and I can clearly say that an world war goes down every night in this house.My grandpa is a vet from world war two he has trouble with hearing people far away.This lead to him shouting around to understand people.My mom likes to live life in an organized way so she wakes up early and prepares each breakfast different to people as they would prefer.My mom works part time at an local gym so she is addicted to an healthy choice of an lifestyle.I am not an huge fan of this but my dog blanky is.Thankfully I have an emergency snack drawr I grabbed some chips and yoghurt and ran up to my room.My little brother was already turning my room to a mess so,I have to kick him out each and every time.Hours had gone by and the fact that none of my family members wished me an happy birthday hit me.It made me feel the blues.One of my friend called me and asked if he wanted to hang later that night.We have a place where no body comes by and so quiet that even birds are scared to tweet.I got ready and left the house the wheather was hot and I had a five minute walk to complete.when I arrived there was a cake with sixteen candles lit and a card telling me to blow them.Whatever happened happened at that very moment when I was blowing out the candles a confetti blew and all of my friends and family popped up from their hiding place I acted all surprised afterall but little they know my little brother had sneezed right before I blew the candle you may ask how did you know.He sneezez pretty hard for a boy who is five years old.

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