I Don’t Want To Leave My School

In my school, there will be an internet cafe for playing video games. There will be a basketball court for playing matches and a football court as well. Sometimes, we will have lessons, but they will only be 42 minutes long. Short break times will be 50 minutes, and long break times will be 2 hours long. There will be only one lesson, and it will be English, because why not? The school’s name will be AC School. However, for first, second, and third grades, there will be 9 lessons like a normal school, but for grades 1, 2, and 3, the short break time will be 40 minutes, and the long break time will be 1 hour. They can use the Makers studio computers during breaks.

There will be many matches on the basketball and football courts, such as Chicago Bulls and Lakers. In the canteen, there will be chips, burgers, rice, ramen, noodles, and they will cost 5 TL.

At night, you need to hide somewhere because security will escort you out. I want this to become true.

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