I Don’t Know Anyone Here!

My friend invited me to their birthday party, I expected my other classmates to be there but it was just some strangers! I was incredibly disappointed since I wanted to hang out with people I know. And since I am an introvert to people I don’t know, I mostly just stayed in a corner and avoided any type of communication with anyone there. It was boring to just sit there and wait for the food while watching others have fun and go crazy.

I was pretty tired of waiting at this point, So I just sit down somewhere. Then out of nowhere some girl sits next to me, I moved away because I was pretty shy.. I moved to the other side of the couch in hopes she wouldn’t  notice me or speak to me. Sadly she actually asked something. She said “Hey, why aren’t you hanging out with everyone else? Aren’t you bored?” I responded in a nervous and low voice “Well.. yea I’m bored, but I don’t know anyone here.. like, at all. So I just sit here, waiting for the cake.” She responds with “well hah, I guess that’s reasonable! I used to be shy like that, now I’m an extrovert. Well, we are gonna cut the cake soon. Come to the table! It’s.. raspberry flavored!” It was my favorite flavor, so I rush to the table.And now.. my biggest fear, (not really) crowds!

There wasn’t that big of a crowd around the table but there still was, so I just waited for less people to be these to get my cake slice. I waited around 1 minute, and there it was, a beautiful cake! Surprisingly well made and decorated, I took my plate and started eating. It was very refreshing, so much so it made me forget about the wait AND the birthday party! Shoutout to whoever made this cake because, it’s was just perfect. When I was finishing the cake the same girl came up to me and said “Hey, maybe I could introduce you to my friends? I’m sure you’ll feel less shy with them, trust me!” I still didn’t know her name yet so I asked, “Sure, but I still don’t know your name, mind telling me?” I said. “My names Penelope, you?” “uh, I’m Aylin.” And then we walked away to he friend group while chatting.

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