I Can’t Forget

There are those who remember when they were young.
There were many items that were used in the past. I want to give some examples of them:

TOYS- marble, spinning top, squirting ring, tetris, solo test,
furby, fidget spinner, clickers clackers, yoyo, cindi baby.

FOOD- Chickpeas powder, pacifier candy, apple candy, iceman, tipitip gum,
finger chocolate (with praline).

THINGS- jug, lace, floor tray, fly racket, purse seine, home phone, typewriter, walkman.

FURNITURE- showcase, roller washing machine.

I can’t forget some of these. Some of them I really like to play or eat, I saw some of them in my families house. When I see them the 90’s wind is blowing to me.

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